Tonight's dinner was supposed to be hamburgers on the grill. But since I had to work late, the thought of mucking up my hands in raw meat, dealing with the grill, and traipsing in and out of the house in this heat just didn't appeal to me. So I talked to the hubs, and much to my surprise he was actually looking forward to sampling that new sugar-cured bacon I ordered in the form of a bacon sandwich - how lucky for me! (You will begin to notice a theme here...I am the "veg-head" in our family. Part of my evil plot for joining the CSA is to get my family to try more veggies...I am not off to a roaring start, but there is still plenty of time.)
My favorite way to cook bacon (besides outside when we are camping) is in the oven. Preheat your oven to 350 degrees, line a baking pan with aluminum foil, lay bacon flat on foil, and put it in the oven until the bacon is nice and crispy - that is unless you like it undercooked and flimsy. EEEWWWW!
But I digress...the way my hubs likes his bacon sandwich is to slap some mayo on whole wheat, pile the bacon on and enjoy. It's the simple things that make that man happy ;)
Now I, on the other hand, had 2 russet potatoes that needed to be used up otherwise they were going to start sprouting eyes and staring at me. So I chopped them up in even chunks, placed them in a pot of salted water and let them simmer until they were fork tender, but not mushy. (While they were enjoying a nice jacuzzi bath, I snatched one piece of the aforementioned bacon and chopped it up.) Once the potatoes were drained and had a chance to dry out a bit, I placed them in a bowl and sprinkled them with the chopped bacon. Then I chopped two spring onions and a sprig of dill from this week's box and sprinkled them over the potatoes also. S&P (sea and fresh cracked black of course). Then just enough mayo to get the potatoes creamy, but definitely not soggy. Probably could have used plain yogurt, or half mayo / half sour cream here too. (Another one of those personal preference things!) That part is up to you. Then I stirred it all up and topped with a few more sprigs of fresh chopped dill. All I can tell you is that it was good. I absolutely LOVE fresh dill, so any time I get a chance to use it I will. So for about $3.50, the hubs and I had a quick and easy and super yummy dinner. I'd love to hear what you had for dinner! Please leave a comment and share...the more ideas the merrier. Cheers!
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